As the UCSB student union, the University Center offers excellent and accessible services to the campus community.
Located within the UCen are the UCSB Campus Store and a U.S. Post Office. We have various dining options, a printshop, and a convenience store. A.S. Food Bank along with the Food Security & Basic Needs Advising Center assists the Gaucho community with food and financial resources. We have a full service conference center featuring Corwin Pavilion and seven conference rooms, and our popular concert venue, The Hub, providing entertainment throughout each quarter. The UCen houses Associated Students, Graduate Student Association, MultiCultural Center & Theater and the University & Community Housing Office.

Books, supplies, computers and gifts are just some of the items offered at the Campus Store.

Explore the dining
options in the UCen
options in the UCen

Make your event perfect
with a catered meal!
with a catered meal!

United States Postal Service and Post Office Boxes

Flyers, Brochures, Business cards, Posters, Banners, Invitations, and much more!

Providing fresh, free, and nutritious food and toiletries to the Gaucho community

Advocacy and assistance with food and financial resources.

Please call or email to schedule an appointment: (805) 893-3843
Campus Lost and Found

Serving, validating, and prioritizing marginalized populations on campus

Helping to improve the lives of graduate students across the UCSB Campus

Providing leadership, employment, cultural and growth opportunities within the campus community

Learn more about this
one-stop housing shop.
one-stop housing shop.

Fiat Lux